Kirk Sandall
Read about the village of Kirk Sandall, the history and some of the areas amenities.
SANDAL Parva is no longer on the map although it has now grown into sprawling industrial and residential estate with more to be built by the old church. That is because over the many years the name as well as the building and landscape has changed to Kirk Sandall (Church on the Sand) with very little left of their former aristocratic lineage
While very little of the original hamlet can be identified by people other than archaeologists probably equally as much has been introduced to Kirk Sandall and then lost and forgotten over the past decade – not to mention during living memory – as ever existed during medieval times. At the bottom of Sandall Lane is the only link from the past still standing a 10th century Saxon Church (St Oswald’s), steeped in history. According to the 18th century historian, Dr Edward Miller, John Rokeby who was rector of Sandal Parva and vicar of Halifax before becoming Bishop of Meath and then Archbishop of Dublin ordered that his bowels be buried in Dublin, his heart in Halifax and his body at Sandal Parva (St Oswald’s) (Nov. 1521); and over each of his remains, a Chapel to be built, which was accordingly done. In the chancel of the Church, is a marble monument to the Archbishop; and another to Sir Thomas Rokeby, Knight, who died Nov. 1689 In 1826, the Rev. Robert Wood, rector of Kirk Sandall, by his will, devised all his freehold estate at Kirk Sandall, Fishlake, and Barnby Dun, in trust for ever, to the use of a Schoolmaster, who shall teach a Grammar School in Kirk Sandall. It is still a great place to live and work but now owned and maintained for the most part by people who fend for themselves rather than by a handful who had the masses fetch and carry for them. Each of today’s inhabitants and users of Kirk Sandall is no less unique and interesting than the folk of centuries past but it is most unlikely that anyone will match some of the strange biographies and last bequests of the nobility of days-gone-by. The Kirk Sandall industrial estate alone has seen numerous changes but, while some companies have left the scene, commercial activity and choices for customers seem to be ever expanding.
LOCATION: Four and half miles north east of Doncaster.
NEAREST TOWNS: Doncaster, Thorne, Goole.
SCHOOLS: Kirk Sandall Infants, Queen Mary Crescent (Ages 4-7);
Kirk Sandall Junior, Magnolia Close (Ages 7-11);
Hungerhill School, Hungerhill Lane, Edenthorpe (Ages 11-16).
CHURCHES: St Thomas of Canterbury, Eccleston Road (Catholic); Kirk Sandall Congregational.
LEISURE: Kirk Sandall Youth Centre, Dentons Green Lane; Bowling Green, Kirk Sandall Scout Group, Barnby Dun with Kirk Sandall Sports.
AMENITIES: Playgroup, Mother and Toddlers in Kirk Sandall Assembly
*Photo © Dave Bevis (cc-by-sa/2.0)